Thoughts on Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson

Sidharth Sundaram
3 min readApr 16, 2021

I’ll just say this:
I see why this book is one of the highest rated books on Goodreads.

Now onto the actual review. No spoilers!

Words of Radiance Artwork, via

After the amazing experience I had with the previous book, The Way of Kings (TWOK) I was extremely excited to get to this book.
Like how the previous book focused mainly on Kaladin, this book focused a lot on Shallan.


If you did go through TWOK review, you’ll know that I didn’t particularly find Shallan that compelling. So when I found out this book was mainly about her, and given Brandon’s expertise when writing characters, I expected to like her- but.. I DIDN’T EXPECT TO FREAKING LIKE HER SO MUCH.

Shallan Davar artwork, via

I love her progression throughout this book. I teared up at her backstory too.
People might be put off by her humor, but that’s exactly the kind of humor that I have, so I absolutely laughed out loud with it. You go girl!
I’m honestly so happy with her arc this book. That alone brought it up a couple of notches.

What about the other characters?
My one gripe with this book would be with Kaladin. I felt that for a lot of the book he was faced with the same dilemma and didn’t his arc didn’t progress anywhere, but by the end of it, I think that’s what was necessary. Going through the not so interesting parts really gave meaning to a small part in the end.
Not saying that Kaladin didn’t have any “Oh Shit” moments this book.

Kaladin, Art by Ziraelart

Coming to that, the “Oh Shit” moments in the book were quite a few. There were many instances when I just wanted to scream out loud because of what I was reading on those pages.
So good. So many emotions.

Back to the characters. What about my main man Dalinar?

Dalinar Kholin, via

I was sad to see him take the backseat this book. There weren’t a lot of pages with him in it, but the ones where he was given plenty, I absolutely screamt.
As you can see, I love Dalinar.
The next book is about him, and you bet I’m going to love it.

There were other characters in this book that I have begun to fall for too. But that, I leave it up to you to read and find out :3


Like I mentioned before, the number of Oh Shit moments were a lot, but did they progress the plot in any way? Yes. Yes they did. There were more than a couple of instances where something unexpected took place that I did not see coming at all!
Also, I felt like the pacing for the book was really good. The interludes this time around didn’t feel.. boring? That was one major gripe I had with the interludes in TWOK. Some of the interludes actually progressed the story, so please don’t skip it!

Suffice to say, I loved this book.

One of the easiest 10/10 I’ll ever give.

Relevant link to my book review of The Way of Kings: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. | by Sidharth Sundaram | Medium

